Sunday, June 14, 2009

My depression

Well here I am. I recently decided to start a blog more for my own daily diary.
See, I'm dealing with one of the worst depression episodes in my life and cannot afford the stupid $50 co-pay that my insurance charges me to get the proper help that I probably so desperately need.
All throughout my life, I have fought this terrible disease and sometimes I cannot even get out of my bed on the weekends. However, I do manage to hold down a full-time job, due to the fact that I have a 9yo daughter to support by myself. Why am I supporting here by myself you may ask? Well, I could be up all night writing about that whole crap shoot. However, I will save that big drama for another day.
Today, I got nothing done. It was one of those days when I honestly could not get out of bed. I just wanted sleep. That is the safest place for me right now. Hopefully, I will not be up all night.
With starting this blog, I hope to help others by maybe by chance someone will read my posts and get something good out of it. Perhaps, they are fighting depression and need a supportive friend.

Time for me to go back to my safe haven, my bed.



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