Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lying...part II

So today I'm going to continue my "why do men lie" to me post.
It is not just men that I could be possibly interested in a romantic way.....It is friggin ALL of them! Whether it is a possible "interest", my ex-husbands' , the Moroccan Scammer, or my own sons...they all lie. Why is this happening? Is this what our society has become? One big fat LIE? Where are the values, the morals, the whatever! Yes, I'm angry at this very moment, with every right to be in my opinion. I really, really just want to live under a rock. Maybe once I get my settlement, it will be enough for me and Ashley to move somewhere warm, near the beach and start over again. I relly think that is what I need...a do-over with my friggin pathetic life. I can't drink, can't smoke...I'm down right frustrated with how my life has turned out. Ashleys' biological father lying to me about being married, yes that was a shocker to me. The first ex that went back on his word, the stupid Moroccan that stole my heart, only for his benefit for a green card to the wonderful land of America! Then, there are these a-holes that lie online. It doesn't matter if they find you on FB,yahoo,MSN, a Christian singles website, they all have told lies. Can somebody tell me why?
I really want my daughter not to grow up hating men, but I have no experience to show her how to trust the opposite sex. The saga of the wonderful life of Stephanie Cabanban,Hendrickson and Chahir continues......

Friday, June 19, 2009

Why do men lie?

Well today pretty much sucked. Went to court for a review hearing for my baby daddys' child support hearing. Since the idiot owes my daughter 15K in back CS. It ended up that the judge didn't believe his story...eerr lie and put him in jail for 60 days. Been a loooong day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My depression

Well here I am. I recently decided to start a blog more for my own daily diary.
See, I'm dealing with one of the worst depression episodes in my life and cannot afford the stupid $50 co-pay that my insurance charges me to get the proper help that I probably so desperately need.
All throughout my life, I have fought this terrible disease and sometimes I cannot even get out of my bed on the weekends. However, I do manage to hold down a full-time job, due to the fact that I have a 9yo daughter to support by myself. Why am I supporting here by myself you may ask? Well, I could be up all night writing about that whole crap shoot. However, I will save that big drama for another day.
Today, I got nothing done. It was one of those days when I honestly could not get out of bed. I just wanted sleep. That is the safest place for me right now. Hopefully, I will not be up all night.
With starting this blog, I hope to help others by maybe by chance someone will read my posts and get something good out of it. Perhaps, they are fighting depression and need a supportive friend.

Time for me to go back to my safe haven, my bed.

